Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is provided by Lekan Bamidele & Co. otherwise referred to as (“we”, “us” or “thebohemianlawyers”) in this notice.

This is to inform our users about the procedures and policies regarding how we obtain personal data and information, use, secure and disclose them subject to protection under data privacy and data security laws and other applicable data protection laws; majorly the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) as enacted in 2019.

Kindly refer to our cookie policy also. It explains the use of cookies on our website.

Range of Personal Data Collected
The personal data that we collect may include the following:

Identifiers such as: name, title, gender, relationship affiliations;
Contact information such as home address, telephone number(s), email address;
Technical details such as Internet Protocol address obtained from a visit to our website;
Network activity information in relation to the use of our website such as browsing history, search history as well as information provided during correspondence on our inquiries;
Details of visits to the website, resources accessed during the visits, the devices used during those visits;
Background information and confidential information provided by our clients or generated in the course of providing legal services;
Details relating to your visits to our office.
How we obtain your personal data
An inherent part of the professional responsibilities of law firms is to obtain personal data. And of even more importance is how the data is obtained. Your personal data may be obtained from the following sources:

During the course of us providing legal services to you;
Information you provide during our recruitment process;
When you access our websites;
When you provide information as our vendor;
Information you provide as we share correspondence such as email, phone number etc.
How we use your personal data
We use your personal details for professional purposes pursuant to any corresponding legal ground to the extent to which the law allows. Hence, for us to use your personal data, the following conditions must be satisfied:

It is pertinent for the performance of a contract;
It is directly connected to a legal obligation;
You have given your consent to such use; In which case, we may use your personal data to:
Develop and maintain our business relationship with you;
Identify our offered services you may be interested in;
Decide whether we can pursue certain professional initiatives;
Deliver our legal services to you or the organization you represent;
Send you marketing ads and invite you to our events.
With whom we share your personal data
Your personal data may be shared with our affiliates and associated law firms when they are working on the same matter in other jurisdictions.

Also, third parties who work on our behalf to provide services to you gain access to our information. For instance, a communications company may process your personal data for us or a technology providing software support. In other circumstances of absolute necessity, such as when we are under legal or professional obligation to share your personal data, we may have to share them with parastatals such as government agencies, regulators, courts or other third parties you have consented to us sharing your information with.

Nonetheless, whenever we transfer or share your personal data, it will be done in accordance with the instant relevant data protection laws. We will also take appropriate steps to measure to ensure its protection.

Data Retention
Your personal data will be retained with us only for so long as we need it for the purposes of its collection as well as the satisfaction of any accounting, reporting or legal requirement except when a longer retention period is requested by you or required under applicable law.

The determinants of the appropriate period of retention of personal data vary from the amount, sensitivity and nature of the personal data.

Your Personal Data Rights
Among other things, you have the right to access your personal data stored with us and control it in a number of ways. These ways include the following:

Access – You can ask for a copy of your personal data we hold free of charge. However, if we deem your request excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of locating your data.

Correction – If you notice that there are any errors in the personal data we hold about you, please contact us so we will correct them.

Restrictions on use – For reasons such as (a) you believe that we are no longer in need of your personal data for the purposes which it was collected for; (b) you believe the processing is against applicable laws; (c) you contest the accuracy of your personal data.

Object – In situations where something about your particular situation makes you feel your rights are being impeded as your personal data is being used, you have the right to object to the continued use of it.

Deletion – You can request that we delete all your personal data we have if you feel we can no longer be processing your personal data.

Transfer Request – When you change your service provider or require duplication, you can request that we transfer your personal data to another organization.

Withdrawal of Consent – After you have given us your consent to use your personal data for a particular purpose and you change your mind later on, you can withdraw your consent thereby stopping us from using your personal data while pursuing that particular purpose. Note however that this does not make what we had done prior any less lawful.

Exercise of Rights
If you would like to exercise any of the rights above stated, you can contact us through the email and phone number below:

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